Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fuel Injection Issues (CIS Lines)

I've dealt with FI issues in my car since day one.  I'm sure I have a long way to go but I've made some strides in this area recently.  I found out only a very short time ago that a leading source on the remaining world market of CIS components (used in old Porsches, Mercedes, Ferraris & Deloreans amoung others) does business not 40 miles from me.  I've now become acquainted with said gentleman and happily soaking up his wealth of knowledge on getting fuel [properly] to my engine.

This is BAD
One, I had to get a new fuel pump to get the car running several years ago, in my own new 911 owner ignorance I used a 1/4" fuel line from the auto parts store for the 3' or so run from the pump to the filter in the engine bay......this is bad as we are supposed to have these super high pressure nylon lines there.

I learned from my visit how to make a wooden jig to aid in [properly] mounting the barbed end pieces.  I drilled in a block of wood, the bit I used was right at the same size as the line, then I cut that in half with a scroll saw.  The blade width makes that hole just a tiny bit smaller than the line.

Note that this was version 1.0, made of cedar IIRC.  It died in the creation of the first line (after seated).  Version 2.0 was made out of some 3/4" cabinet grade ply I had hanging around and is holding up very nicely.

None of this is rocket science, these lines seemed intimidating at first but as with most things after doing it once it's pretty simple.  I'm not ground breaking anything but I'm pleased with myself so you get to read about it (deal with it :D )

There was one line I had to attach to an existing coupler residing in the engine bay.  These grips are incredibly strong and hold fast with soft faces.  They made a nice portable vice and I was able to muscle in the coupler without issue.

So now I have nicely plumbed incoming and return fuel lines.

This shot also shows off my newly cleaned, painted engine bay and also my nice new sound mat.

Here is my marked up picture of the proper CIS line routing in case it actually helps someone else.

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