Monday, March 4, 2013

Gas Tank Woes

I have been avoiding touching this for 3 years now, but faced with mounting evidence that my fuel tank was well and truly FUBAR, and being unwilling to screw up all my hard work from the last 5-6 months.... I managed to overcome excitement (and laziness) and take a peek inside the tank.

So then I fought back more laziness and took the tank out of the car.

Dammit all to hell.....

I've seen where people cut holes in these things and cleaned out all the junk and re-welded them.  I've also read there is a special plastic "swirl pot" inside around that oh so pretty fuel filter of mine that can be damaged by the usual, take it to a radiator shop and have it boiled approach.

This was all too much to go through when I found disturbing amounts of rust on something that would just LOVE to catch fire.

So for ~$500 I ordered a new one.  Hoping to put a few gallons of fresh premium in a shiny new tank this weekend and hear this bastard vroom.

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