Thursday, December 26, 2013

Targa Top Latch Tweekage

This is trivial, but maybe some might find it a morsel of help.....

Recently my driver's side top latch didn't want to let go when asked, it started with a little stick and a minor bop would make it let go.  Last week I tried to take the top off and spent 20 minutes trying to gently coerce the side that is spring loaded but moves very little to release.

So this weekend I took the latch off of the top and fixed it.  I had to remove the vinyl cover (the middle button piece will go back on, the latch handle "rosette" I happen to have accidentally ordered thinking it was something else so I can put a new one on (not sure those are reuseable).  I found that there is a little plunger that pushes the spring loaded latch by several mm when unlocking.  That plunger's tab had somehow bent back enough to not really be engaging anymore.

A little tweak with a small screwdriver, a little clean and some fresh lithium grease and it's working perfectly once again.

Sorry, I was bent on fixing this little thing and didn't snap any detail pictures of it like I normally do.


  1. Love this blog. Been using it as a great reference point! Any updates?

    1. Thank you J - I really need to catch up don't I! I've had a tumultuous year that is finally finding a better groove but I do have several updates/discoveries/etc that could stand to be cataloged.... (engine came back out but only for 2 weeks this time, new M&K Exhaust....). Stay Tuned :D

  2. Glad to hear it! Starting on an 86 myself :)
