Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy 1st Anniversary Glenda

A year ago give or take a few days I carted home my very first 911, a 30 year dream car. I've screwed some things up, I've made a LOT of things a lot better, I've learned quite a bit. I'm sure I've got issues coming up to deal with and I still have what could amount to years of work to do on this car, but that's just fine.

At last count I've had 22± cars since turning 15, 4 of those have been pure toys (much like Glenda) Some have been (for a non-baller) fairly high performance. Out of that there have been exactly 3 that I haven't quickly worn off their "New Toy" draw. My beautiful 911 is proving to be everything I wanted out of it, it has style in spades, it's far from slow (there is after all a much MUCH younger sister for her in the garage wearing the same badge for comparison). I'm hoping to maintain a long-term relationship with her and not repeat 2 mistakes of the past (the rest have been merely cars, some are truly mistresses).

She needs a little paintwork and needs a few minor things fixed (although nothing that's been stopping me from enjoying my 70 mile commute once or twice a week) but damn if I still don't stop and stare for a couple seconds each time I go out to the garage/parking lot/etc...

The world is a funky and sometimes frustrating place, it's nice to enjoy some of the good things in life where you can find them :)

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